How to buy on www.365kitshirt.com?
Buying at www.365kitshirt.com easy and safe. Once you have found the item you want to buy, click "add to cart" for your car which allows you to shop. Follow the directions for the checkout process to complete your order.
Will I have to pay taxes or duties?
Do not, our prices cover the cost of taxes and additional fees. Assuming verifiable if you receive an additional fee, please send us your receipt and we will pay 50% of the costs.
Is there a minimum order quantity?
NO! There is no minimum order amount, even though we sell our products at wholesale prices, you can only order 1 point if you wish.
What are the payment methods received?
There are currently four ways to pay. Most of our customers are used to make online payment with Paypal. If customers do not have Paypal available. We also take orders paid by credit card. If you wish to pay by bank transfer, please do not hesitate to contact us for further bank details. Online payment with Paypal & credit card. This is the most common method of payment. it is fast and efficient.
What kind of currency do you accept?
Currently, we accept euros, dollars, pounds
Is it safe to use my credit card?
safe to use credit card. Bc use our level of security (SSL) is the industry gold standard and the most secure software for e-commerce transactions. This encrypts your credit card number and detailed information. for details. Please kindly report our privacy policy.
Do you ship items worldwide?
Yes, we will ship your items worldwide via the postal service, and it usually takes about a week to deliver after you approve your application.
How long will my order take to be processed and delivered?
After applying the product order, it usually takes 1-3 business days to process the order and we will need 5-10 business days for delivery by courier.
How much transport for each order and how can I track my package online?
The tracking number will be emailed once the items have been shipped. And you can track your package after two days on your postcode website for your country. No matter how many items purchased per transaction, the shipping items are traceable online. And free shipping when you spend more than 89 GBP.
How can I make withdrawals or changes?
We provide refunds and product changes for our customers. Please refer to our policies (refunds and changes) and contact us by email.
What should I do if the items were damaged upon receipt?
You must inform us immediately upon receipt of the shipment. Once it is noted that the product has been damaged in transit, you may request the item to be sent back to us or have the photo of the damaged item be reviewed before sending a new replacement or post a refund.
Do you have any other questions about refunds or returns?
See our policy changes and withdrawals.
Things are usually cheaper if bulk purchases are made. is that so?
Sure! It will be cheaper if you buy in bulk or bulk purchase Realize items. Send us an email if you want to be our distributor.

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